Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's a Nor' Easter! Oh sorry, just a hurricane...

This one is definitely for my mother.  Hopefully the above link will give her a laugh.

Living in Connecticut certainly has its advantages.  Besides having one of the top five highest gas taxes, and the second highest per capita income (not sure if this is good or bad).  We also are sheltered from most of the severe weather that the rest of the country encounters on a daily basis.  And yet, we have the highest concentration of drama queens for weathermen.  One of the greatest of all time is the man featured in the above video clip, Hilton Kaderli.  Other great drama queens include Art Horn, Dr. Mel Goldstein, Scott Haney, and Geoff Fox. 

Somewhere during their schooling on how to become weathermen, they must have taken the following courses:  Shouting 101,  Basics in Fear Mongering, Fundamental Principles of Scare Tactics.  Seriously, do they have to shout?  Whenever we get the slightest whisper of wind or a flake of snow, suddenly we are thrust into the middle of Tornado Alley or Fargo, North Dakota.  All I think of when I see these embarrassing displays is how we know nothing about severe weather. 

In 2008, 125 people were killed by tornados in the United States.  Over 1800 people were killed and over 80 billion dollars in damage was done by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  The tornado that hit Bridgeport in late June caused under five million dollars in damage and no one lost their lives.  My point is, no matter how severe the weather is here, others are getting hit ten times harder in other parts of the country.  We have no inkling of the destruction that Mother Nature can inflict in a matter of mere seconds.  We are the lucky ones, even if Mr. Weatherman makes you think that we are facing devastation. 

So please, don't buy into the fear mongering.  Use your own gut'll live a longer and happier life without worrying if you have enough toilet paper to make it through the storm.

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