Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In the Beginning...

Today is the first day of school here in Groton, and the first day of the blog.  I was waiting for some sort of hitch in the goings-on this morning, like the bus driving by our stop at seventy, but it stopped right on time.  Have the planets aligned creating some sort of paradox?  This has never happened, since the first day of kindergarten. we'll see if I get the usual reports of the bus driver texting while driving the bus.  If this doesn't occur, then I will really start to wonder about the soundness of the earth. 

In continuance of first days, I will begin an exercise regiment.  I will begin with walking laps at the track, followed by weaving the cart through the senior citizens at Big Y.  Then I will heave the grocery bags into the trunk and then try to carry all of the bags in at the same time.  That should burn some calories.  Once I get the groceres in, I can commence cleaning up pee from an excited puppy that thinks she hasn't seen me in days, even though it has only been an hour since I left.  Around that time, she'll find a paper towel, or a hair scrunchie, and begin to run around the house while I proceed to chase her and tackle her before she chokes on the contraband.  When all of this is said and done, I will decide that walking laps is overrated, and the exercise regiment will die before it even had a chance to live. 

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