Monday, March 21, 2011

Letter to Big Y...My latest tirade against greedy corporate America...

Ms. D’Amour, (Educational Partnership Program)

I was absolutely shocked when I read the sign outside of our Little Y Kids’ Club this afternoon, telling us that the club would close for good on March 26th.  My son is three and a half and it is the high point of his day when I tell him he is going to see his “friends” at Little Y.  He is completely in love with Little Y, and it is  helping him to prepare for preschool in September.  That was one of the many reasons that I enrolled him in the Little Y Kids’ Club.  Little Y allows kids that don’t have daycare to develop their social skills and ready them for preschool and/or kindergarten.  Another reason was that I could enjoy my shopping experience, take my time, and not rush through the aisles like I used to before I enrolled him. 

I cannot believe that you are closing the Little Y at our store.  I honestly don’t know how I’m going to explain the situation to my son.  He asks me every day if we can go to Little Y.  I started going to the Big Y store in Groton since it opened, and have always been satisfied with my shopping experience.  However, I’ve noticed lately that things are changing, and not for the better.  First, the coin program got cut, and the sales and price specials suffered.  Then, the self-checkouts were taken out.  At that time, I seriously considered moving my business to Stop and Shop.  Now, I find that yet another customer service is being tossed by the wayside, and nothing is being improved.  Now I have to take my business elsewhere, because apparently, the over $10,000 a year I spend at Big Y doesn’t matter to those in charge.  And just because of greed, small children have to return to the boring chore of grocery shopping with their already stressed-out mothers.  How much does it cost to run a Little Y Kids’ Club?   

Therefore, I will be no longer using Big Y as my supermarket; beginning tomorrow, I will be going to Stop and Shop.  It breaks my heart, and it will also break my son’s heart. 

Melissa Russo

SO...once again we get screwed by one corporation (Big Y), move to another (Stop and Shop) to only get screwed once again.  This only reaffirms my standpoint that people suck, especially rich people and CEO's.  I think that we should form our own society somewhere, like in "The Village", and have monetary totally self-reliant.  Just think, no greed, no violence, no crime...just life.

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