Thursday, December 8, 2011

Change is the Only Constant

My friend Jeff broached an interesting question today: “Let's talk about change; it happens every day. Some people welcome it, while others try to keep it from happening with every fiber of their being.  Therefore, the question today is, change, is it good or bad?”
Change.  Some people abhor this word.  To them maybe it means that they must leave their cozy comfort zone, finally leave behind their security blankets.   Maybe to some people it means unnecessary work.  I, however, believe in change.  As humans, we are a historically evolutionary, revolutionary, ever-changing society of beings.  Being able to adapt to our fluctuating environment is one of the reasons why Homo sapiens continue to dominate (sometimes not in good ways) the species of this earth. 
And yet, change is not just about evolution and adaptation, processes which happen over hundreds or thousands of years.  Change can be as small as using skim milk in your coffee instead of half and half.  Sure, at first you wonder how you will ever be able to drink that cup.  But then the change begins to grow on you, and you realize that you are saving loads of calories each day.  And then more changes come when you can fit into your skinny jeans again. On the other hand, change can be something large and important, like beginning a new career, or going back to work after being a stay-at-home mom for four years.  You are a little frightened about the change, and you question your abilities and your choices.  You fear how it will affect you, your children, and your family.  But you also wait in anticipation for the call.  Even though there is uncertainness, you are ready to take the plunge and see what happens.  It could be great, it could be bad, but how do you know if you don’t jump? 
Change propels civilization, and without it, societies would not exist.  They thrive on revolution and transformation.  Our country was built on these ideas, notions of freedom and independence, beliefs of unity and commonality, and the desperate need for individuality and sovereignty.  The forefathers (and mothers) of this country fought for change, and through their sacrifices and diligent determination, they achieved what they set out to do.  They persevered through ridicule, persecution, prosecution, imprisonment, and execution, for that one word…change.  It is a powerful, awe-inspiring word.  There are revolutions being fought all over the world at this very moment; some with weapons, some with words and protests, and some with silence, all in the name of change.
In the end, change always wins the battle, whether you accept the outcome or not.  If you can embrace change without fear, you’ve already won.  But as humans, we always question our status quo to ensure our prosperity.  It is okay to question with trepidation.  It prevents us from being reckless and irresponsible (hopefully), and guarantees our triumph over natural selection.
“There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.” ---Winston Churchill
“Change is the essence of life.  Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.”--Unknown

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